Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Information Super Highway

  Hey you... Yes, you. You're not clever.
  Just because you can recite things you see or hear doesn't make you interesting, and passing off someone else's opinions as your own only makes the must vapid of sluts wet.
 You're a woodchipper, for which anyone can dump their ideas into and you'll spew them back out, smaller and simpler than the originally were.
Now I wish you all the best as I lead you off a cliff into to the maw of oblivion.
  I take joy in the simple things in life.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


(When I first wrote out this draft, I had an exact holiday in mind, and I wrote it with the characters from that holiday in mind.
  But when I showed the initial draft to people they were repulsed, confused, and outright offended. So I decided to to a search and replace on any mention of the main character or reference to the holiday in this text and just put a generic place holder over it.
I'm fairly certain that all allusions to it have been edited out. I will decide on another character on a later date. Enjoy!)

So there's like this kid, right? And his mom...No! His STEP-mom won't let him go ride skateboards with his skate gang 'the brotherhood of the shred' because of some gay holiday (we'll figure that shit out later) and his relatives are coming.
  Naturally dude is bummed out. So he's moping in his room, listening to Black Flag's My War backwards when he hears a knock on his window. He puts down the meth (He also was smoking meth, Should have mentioned that but my backspacne keys hgot stukc godfs da,n it hodfl on im gonna rtrie ott fix it just aminute... Okay I think it's better.)
  He puts down the meth and goes to see who's outside and wouldn't you know its 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' standing right in front of him
  He's blown away! he can't believe 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' is at his house so he says "What's up 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' why are you at my here instead of doing ' APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY TRADITIONS' ?"
  'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' smiles back at him and says " I heard from 'OTHER WELL KNOWN HOLIDAY FIGURE' that your mom was being a total buzzfucker and ruining your 'UNDECIDED HOLIDAY' for you. So I decided I'd take you out on a 'UNDECIDED HOLIDAY' ride on my magic skateboard!
 Dude get's really excited but then he frowns, knowing that his step mom forbade him to go outside and skate "But 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' how will we escape without my step mom knowing?"
'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' chuckles and replies "
That won't be a problem, I slipped her a roofie!" Dude high fives 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' "ALRIGHT! LET'S RIDE!"

(Then something happens in between...we'll worry about that later)

  So dude returns to his home after a night of sweet stalefish to fakies and totally tweaked out boneless's over tranny's and he has to now say goodbye to 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE'
  "Oh 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' I had the best night of my life! I don't ever want it to end..."
  'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' looks at him longingly and cracks a smile  "it doesn't have to..."
  Then 'A RECOGNIZABLE HOLIDAY FIGURE' takes Dude in his arms and starts kissing him passionately. Dude gets mad wet from this and starts rubbing all over Jesus's dick...
  "Oh yeah Jesus take me, take me now!"
  Jesus rips dude's pants off "I've been waiting to do this to you for a long ass time."
  Dude laughs
  "Speaking of 'long ass', why don't you take that LONG dick of yours and put it in my ASS"
  Jesus gets wood and is about to thrust, when the scene fades out and we cut back to reality where we see that Dude really just overdosed on meth and this was all a crazy, meth dream.
The End!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Like Craig Owens If He Had a Pair

  One day I was just chillin, listen to some chill ass Sublime when something in my soul was ignited. I was suddenly compelled to throw off the shackles of my suburban, white (allegedly), middle class life and go out and shake the world. I decided I was going to start a movement.
A movement without a name, or a cause, or even a point. A musical revolution the likes of which no man, woman, or bro had ever seen or felt before.

 I was so energized by the thought I was going to leap off of my couch and shout it from the rooftops and dance like king David did (Naked, with a big dick)!
But then I realized I was listening to fucking sublime and shot myself in the face.
Nobody came to the funeral.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Week in, and Week out.

I can't think of a worse fate then to be forever doomed to work with the general public, forever having to listen to their concerns about how sometimes their phone doesn't work fast enough, or how they won't buy korean because they "don't want no chinaman making their dishwasher".
Am I the only person in the world who goes into a store and looks for things themselves? Does everyone else imediately go up to the first employee they see, huff impatiently when they have to wait in line (like they learned to do in elementary school) and ask if they have the most obscure, hard to find (and most likely non-existant) item they can think of?
"Do you have wool  combs?"
That doesn't exist
Hold on sir, let me get him
Then I gut them with my bowie knife because I'm fucking rambo.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Last night was entertaining to say the least, sometimes the people you never would expect go crazy.
Brief recap:
-Dark Crystal
-Beer's gross
-Watched geeksquad as a whole get very drunk
- Very revealing Bruno costume
- Broken bookshelf
- Watched someone puke into walmart bag
- Some kid no one knew wanted to nerd rage and fight a drunk kid
- Got a ride home from a upstanding young gentleman by the name of Jazz
and now in the present I'm making macaroni and cheese (or Hard Mac as I like to call it)
Work in a little bit, then Where the Wild Things Are with my baby boo.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Manchester Orchestra, Brand New 10/23/09

Great show, caught an acoustic set from Brand New at Zia on Eastern (also picked up the Japandroids record)
then ran on down to house o' blues to see em.

Acoustic Setlist: Bought a Bride, Bed, Tommy Gun, Jesus Christ, At the Bottom

Setlist(no particular order): You Won't Know, Degausser, Tommy Gun, Sowing Season (Yeah), Sic Transit Gloria No Seatbelt Song, At the Bottom, Gasoline, You Stole, Vices Bought a Bride, Luca, Play Crack the Sky Lit cover, Jesus Christ, Bed, In a Jar, Sink, Jaws Theme Swimming


Quote of the Day: (Jesse Lacey in response to some chick asking him to play a manchester orchestra song as the last song of the acoustic set) "We don't do that...If you like we could just stop playing now and you could go pick up the new T-pain record. That comment wasn't anything against you, I just looked around and he was the first poster I saw...Personally I think his use of the vocoder is new and innovative."

Friday, October 23, 2009

Just when you thought you were safe...BOOM GRINDTOWN CITY (The movie)

There's no greater joy to be had then shredding a gnarly handplant while some pedestrian goes "ooo don't do that that's my mother's grave"
Shut up square, you don't understand, because you're in a cage man. A cage manufactured out of fear. Fear that you can't be Xtreme because "it's disrespectful" or "I'm scared" or "why are you doing this to me, I just want to mourn my mother's death in peace"
Shut up queer.
You're the man that keeps us down, I see you in the face of every sign that says "no skateboarding" or the old guy at Ace hardware who says "Stop huffing all our paint, either buy something or get out of my store"
I know you for what you really are. A fake, a fraud, a waste of air.
Plus what are you gonna do about it, you're eight and I could smash you.

This post is dedicated to all the men and women who gave their lives on 9/11

If there's one thing I think we all can agree on it's that vagina's, on average, look terrible.
Now I know, I know...they feel great. And yes, I'm a gigantic homo for saying this, you're right... touche good sir. But look at the facts.

1. they look like gunshot wounds
2. they smell like mortuaries
3. they get infected more than an open sore
4. the flavor has room for improvement.

Now before you freak out and say I'm just some sexist asshole who hates women, I just want to make this clear. I love sex, particularly with women... in fact I get so much sex that people (especially Jake) call me the sex guru, and my lawyers are hammering out the details on a law suit directed towards the Mike Myers estate for copyright infringement.

No this post isn't a vaginal smear campaign (haha vagina smear, I'm the best) but rather a call to stop being polite and start being real... Ladies, your vagina's are gross, so maybe spruce them up a bit. Throw some glitter down there or maybe a bowtie.

s'all I'm sayin.
this is the greatest blog in the history of blogdom.

At the Drive-in is the greatest band of the late nineties early 2000's and if you disagree you're a fucking piece of shit

See above.