Friday, October 23, 2009

This post is dedicated to all the men and women who gave their lives on 9/11

If there's one thing I think we all can agree on it's that vagina's, on average, look terrible.
Now I know, I know...they feel great. And yes, I'm a gigantic homo for saying this, you're right... touche good sir. But look at the facts.

1. they look like gunshot wounds
2. they smell like mortuaries
3. they get infected more than an open sore
4. the flavor has room for improvement.

Now before you freak out and say I'm just some sexist asshole who hates women, I just want to make this clear. I love sex, particularly with women... in fact I get so much sex that people (especially Jake) call me the sex guru, and my lawyers are hammering out the details on a law suit directed towards the Mike Myers estate for copyright infringement.

No this post isn't a vaginal smear campaign (haha vagina smear, I'm the best) but rather a call to stop being polite and start being real... Ladies, your vagina's are gross, so maybe spruce them up a bit. Throw some glitter down there or maybe a bowtie.

s'all I'm sayin.
this is the greatest blog in the history of blogdom.

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